
The power specialists of JSC “MOESK” have been working to liquidate the consequences of the ice rain for two days on end.

The operation of 89 power lines of 110 kV and 61 substations of 110 kV was broken as a result of the adverse weather conditions in the Moscow Area. Now about 100 thousand people remain without electricity in the Moscow Area. No switching-off of electricity is registered in Moscow.

The principal causes of interruption of electricity supply for consumers are falling of trees and hanging of ice-covered tree branches upon power lines. The influence of the abnormal ice generation exceeding the design-settlement parameters led to the breakages of wires and failure of equipment of the substations. The most difficult situation developed in the Odintsovsky, Naro-Fominsky, Ruzsky and Domodedovsky Districts of the Moscow Area.

At 4.00 a.m. of 26 December, the emergency headquarters of Western Electric Grids started to work in JSC “MOESK”. At 8.00 a.m., the similar headquarters were created in other branches of JSC “MOESK”. Selector meetings are held each two hours, changes of conditions are considered and quick decisions are made.

The works on liquidation of the consequences of the elements were taken under the personal control of Nikolay Shvets, General Director of IDGC Holding, OJSC. At 10.00 a.m., the emergency headquarters for restoration of electricity supply started to operate in IDGC Holding. The priorities in elimination of the consequences of the elements were determined. Information interaction with the National Center of the EMERCOM was established.

As of 4.00 p.m., 252 emergency recovery brigades take part in recovery works (restoration of the failed power lines and transformer centers) in the zone of the responsibility of JSC “MOESK”. Contracting organizations, brigades of municipal entities and EMERCOM are also involved in the works. The emergency recovery brigades are equipped with all necessary equipment and special tools.