
More than 6 thousand transformer substations, 20 municipal districts (reduction by 7 districts - Dmitrovsky, Pushkinsky, Naro-Fominsky, Solnechnogorsky, Klinsky, Shchelkovsky, Reutovsky) remain in the switching-off zone at 10.00 in the morning of 27 December.

On 26 December, the emergency recovery works were held by more than 250 brigades, at night – 123 brigades. At the night of 26 – 27 December, power specialists of MOESK connected 10 substations. The electricity supply in the city of Podolsk is also restored.

Now the main attention and forces are concentrated on restoration of electricity supply in large cities of the Moscow Area: Vidnoe, Troitsk, Ramenskoe and certain sites of the Ryazan Railway, where the situation remains tense.

According to the instruction by Nikolay Shvets, General Director of IDGC Holding, OJSC, the colleagues from Tula came to render assistance to the power specialists of the Moscow Region. At night, three Tula brigades started to work at the branch of the company - Southern Electric Grids. In the morning the brigades from Ryazan, Yaroslavl, Bryansk came to MOESK. Arrival of the help from Orel, Kaluga, Kostroma, Voronezh and Tambov is expected.

During the last day, the number of the disconnected objects decreased almost by one-third owing to work of the emergency recovery brigades of the company and contracting organizations.

Let us remind the chronicle of the events:

4.00 As a result of the adverse weather conditions in the Moscow Area, the operation of 89 power lines of 110 kV and 61 substations of 110 kV was broken. About 100 thousand people remain without electricity in the Moscow Area. No switching-off of electric power is registered in Moscow. The headquarters of the branch of the company - Western Electric Grids started to work in JSC “MOESK”.

8.00 Similar headquarters are created in other branches of JSC “MOESK” and in the company as a whole.

13.00 emergency field brigades take part in the recovery works in the responsibility zone of JSC “MOESK”: in the 110 kV grids – 77 with the total number of 400 people, in 0.4-35 kV grids – 150 with the total number of 600 people. Contracting organizations are involved as well.

16.00 252 emergency field brigades take part in the recovery works, 4,199 people and 1,449 units of technical equipment. The brigades of the municipal entities and EMERCOM are involved. The emergency recovery brigades are equipped with all necessary tools and special devices. There are 26 municipal districts in the electricity supply switching-off zone in the Moscow Area: 723 settlements (reduction by 65), 13,452 inhabited houses (reduction by 614).

14 objects of public health services, 40 educational objects and 8 objects with round-the-clock presence of people are among the socially significant objects remaining without electricity.

20:00 Almost 7 thousand people and 2.6 thousand units of technical equipment are involved in the Moscow Area for liquidation of failures.

There are 25 municipal districts in the switching-off zone: 351 settlements, 6,356 apartment houses, 44 socially significant objects, which include 12 objects of public health services, 29 educational objects, 3 objects with round-the-clock presence of people. Medical institutions received feeding from reserve generators.

21.30 Electricity supply of the airport “Domodedovo” was partially restored.

23.00 The number of the objects disconnected from electricity supply in the Moscow Area is gradually reduced. The switching-off zone still includes 21 municipal districts (reduction by 6 districts - Dmitrovsky, Pushkinsky, NAro-Fominsky, Solnechnogorsky, Klinsky, Shchelkovsky). Electricity is still not supplied to 340 settlements, 6,206 inhabited houses with 61,230 people.

The group in the structure of 5,701 people and 2,291 units of technical equipment is involved for liquidation of the consequences of failures.

00.00 Electricity supply in the Moscow Area settlement Vnukovo is completely restored. Twenty thousand people live in the settlement in 121 apartment houses.