
The power specialists of Moscow United Electric Grid Company continue to eliminate the consequences of the damages caused by the adverse weather conditions. 39 110 kV substations, 6 220 kV PL (power lines), 95 110 kV PL were disconnected in the branches of JSC “MOESK” as at 11.00 a.m. Around 110 thousand people remain without electricity.

The train traffic in the Ryazan direction at the site Lyubertsy-Cherusti is complicated because of the time failures in energy feeding. The trains go using diesel traction.

Now 293 brigades (1,227 people) work hard to liquidate the interruption of power supply; more than 140 units of technical equipment are involved. The specialists of local contracting organizations, EMERCOM, and power specialists from subsidiaries of IDGC Holding, OJSC are involved. In particular, 21 mobile brigades of power specialists of IDGC of Center work to restore electricity supply of the Moscow Area, they are equipped with all necessary special equipment: each of the Tambov and Yaroslavl branches of IDGC of Center are represented by 4 brigades. They are sent to the branch of MOESK – Eastern Electric Grids (Noginsk); 4 brigades from Orelenergo, 3 from Kurskenergo and 3 from Lipetskenergo went to Western Electric Grids (the cities of Naro Fominsks, Ruza, Novo-Petrovsk); 3 brigades from Bryanaskenergo work in Central Electric Grids of MOESK.
