
The power specialists of Moscow United Electric Grid Company liquidate the consequences of the natural phenomena.

As at 7 o’clock in the morning a plenty of substations and power lines all over the territory of the Moscow Area, which suffered from influence of the elements, were switched on. The recovery works in the Company grids are arranged so that it could be possible to switch on the load for the feeding centers of 110-220 kV in the short terms, which provides switching-on of distribution grids and electric power supply of consumers.

The following facilities were restored by 7:00 of 30 December:

- three 220 kV power lines out of the 7 damaged as a result of the spontaneous natural phenomena;

- 78 110 kV power lines out of 128 damaged ones;

- 40 35 kV PL out of 82 damaged ones.

All 220 kV substations, 68 110 kV substations and 53 35 kV substations were energized and put into operation. At 7.00 of 30 December, the power specialists had only three feeding centers of 110 kV and 9 substations of 35 kV to be put into operation.

The operation of almost 8 thousand disconnected transformer substations was recovered out of 10 thousand disconnected ones.

The recovery works were slowed down by the adverse weather conditions on 29 December.

More than four hundred brigades generated in the electric grid districts from EMERCOM and aimed to help the power men of the capital from the branches of IDGC Holding, OJSC work to restore the damaged electric equipment. Malfunctions in high-voltage and distribution grids are eliminated by more than two thousand people working in shifts and more than 200 units of equipment round the clock.


The power specialists work in close cooperation with the authorities, EMERCOM and contracting entities.

The analysis of the developed situation and dynamics of recovery works allow to speak that by 18:00 of 30 December, the operation of all feeding centers will be restored, and by 18:00 of 31 December, all consumers will be energized.