
The power specialists of Moscow United Electric Grid Company and the brigade of other operational companies of IDGC Holding, OJSC, EMERCOM and municipal governance bodies of the Moscow Area helping them finish liquidation of switching-off of the high-voltage equipment caused by the spontaneous natural phenomena of 25 – 26 December.

The information on switching-on of energy facilities is received by the Grids Control Center of JSC “MOESK” each hour.

In particular:

13:41 Western Electric Grids: OL 35 kV Krykovo – Zvenigorod was switched on, “Krykovo” substation was energized.

14:10 Eastern Electric Grids: OL 35 kV Radovitsy – Korobovo with branch lines, “Korobovo” substation were switched on. 14:25 OL 110 kV Berendino – Egoryevsk was included in the same grids.

14:40 Southern Electric Grids: OL 220 kV TPP-26 – Gulevo II was put into operation.

14:50 Western Electric Grids: OL 35 kV Komarovo – Klenovo was put into operation, S “Klenovo” was energized.

15:43 Eastern Electric Grids: OL Makeevo – Maslovo was switched on.

15:45 Western Electric Grids: OL 35 kV Khvashchevskaya – Kiselevo II was switched on.

15:51 Eastern Electric Grids: OL 110 kV Misheron – Undol was put under load.

16:40 power men of Southern Electric Grids switched on OL 110 kV Gulevo – Severovo I with branch lines.

16:58 Eastern Electric Grids: Shatura – Grebchikha OL 110 kV was switched on.

17:00 SEG: OL Myachkovo – Turaevo I was switched on.

17:18 EEG: OL 35 kV Zhukovka - Dobroe, "Zhukovka" S were switched on.

17:23 Eastern Electric Grids: OL 35 kV Dvoinya – Gridino I and II was switched on, and S 35 kV Gridino was energized.

The recovery works also near completion at the distribution grids. This means an opportunity of power men to put into operation all feeding centers by 18:00 of 30 December and to energize all consumers of the Moscow Area by 31 December.