
As at 13 o’clock, almost all substations and power lines in the territory of the Moscow Area, which suffered from the influence of the elements, have been switched on. The recovery works of putting 220 kV feeding centers under load have been completed. The operation of 70 substations of 110 kV out of 71 substations has been restored. Electric power supply of the socially significant objects does not depend on switching-on of the last substation.

58 S of 35 kV out of 62 ones disconnected due to natural factors have been put under load.

The operation of 9 thousand transformer substations out of more than 10 thousand disconnected ones has been restored in the distribution grids of the Company.

The power specialists of the EMERCOM and contracting organizations work in close cooperation with the authorities. As at the evening of 30 December, the damaged electric equipment works are held by more than four hundred brigades generated in the electric grid districts, EMERCOM and sent to help Moscow power men of IDGC Holding branches. Malfunctions in high-voltage and distribution grids are eliminated by more than two thousand people working in shifts round the clock, more than 200 units of equipment are involved during the works at PL.


The analysis of the developed situation and dynamics of recovery works allow to say that operation of all feeding centers will be restored by 18:00 of 30 December, and all consumers will be energized by 18:00 of 31 December.
