
Andrey Konovalov, General Director of JSC “MOESK” informed Boris Gromov, Governor of the Moscow Area that on 30 December the company restored supply of electricity to the consumers connected to its grids. The address says that however, besides JSC “MOESK”, supply of electricity to consumers in the Moscow Area is carried out through the grid facilities which are registered on the balance sheet of territorial grid entities and/or other proprietors, which are not included in the responsibility zone of the company. For example, 1,442 transformer substations, which remained de-energized by the end of 30 December, include only one third of those, which belong to MOESK. The others are the property of more than 170 various entities and enterprises. Thereof, it may happen that MOESK does not aware of the information on absence of electricity supply of the consumers connected to the specified grids. 

In order to provide quick restoration of electricity supply of the consumers connected to the grids of other proprietors, General Director of JSC “MOESK” asked Governor of the Moscow Area to instruct the Fuel and Energy Committee, heads of municipal entities and heads of territorial grid organizations of the area to perform clearing of routes, repairs of electric power lines of 0.4-6-10 kV, repairs of transformers and thus to provide input of voltage from the grids of the company for end users. “If necessary, JSC “MOESK” is ready to assist on an emergency basis in provision of necessary equipment, materials and emergency recovery brigades,” the address says.


JSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” is the largest Interregional Distribution Grid Company of Russia. JSC “MOESK” attends the consumers of Moscow and the Moscow Area. The main kinds of activity are rendering of electricity transportation services to consumers and technological connection to electric grids.

The main shareholders of JSC “MOESK” are IDGC Holding, OJSC (51%), Group of Companies “Gazprom” (31%) and Group of Companies of the Moscow Government (8%), more than 8% are in free float.

The structure of the company includes more than 607 high-voltage feeding centers of 35/110/220 kV voltage and the total power of 43,713 MVA. The total length of 35-220 kV power lines is 15,590 km; 35-110-220-500 kV high-voltage cable lines – 1,408 km, the total length of distribution electric grids is 121,145 km. The total of distribution and transformer substations exceeds 30 thousand pieces. The number of the personnel is 15,755 people.

The round-the-clock “Light Line” operates in JSC “MOESK”. Now electricity consumers of Moscow and the Moscow Area can address in respect of technological breaks and faults in electricity supply using the uniform free-of-charge telephone number 8-800-700-40-70!