
The 10th jubilee international specialized show CABEX-2011was grandly opened. President of the Association “Elektrocabel” Peshkov I., General Director of JSC “VNIIKP” Meshchanov.G, deputy Director General of ecocenter “Sokolniki” Kvasnikov A. delivered a complimentary speech and congratulated visitors and participants of the show with the jubilee affair and wished efficient work and good clients. Deputy of Moscow City Duma Krutov A. took part in the formal ceremony as well.


The branch of JSC “MOESK” – High voltage cable systems – participates in the show as the main consumer of HV cable production and as well as a company that services cables 110-220 kV in Moscow region. Deputy General Director – director of the branch Eduard Padadaev noted: “Today cable industry develops rapidly and new technologies are being involved, the latest cable types and cable elements. The best equipment is applied to assure reliable power supply of Moscow and Moscow region”.


The latest achievements in operational practice of the cable lines are demonstrated the show stand of HV cable systems. Among the showpieces there are polyethylene cables with bunching and fiber optics, oil filled cable sample with quickly inserted kappa, marker locator 1420-ID EMC. A stand with a thermal control system of polyethylene cable with fiber optic attracts much interest of the visitors.


In CABEX show a business program comes successfully together with scientific and technological one. In the 16th of March a conference and Research and Practice Seminar devoted to “Energy cables and cable lines power. State, problems and future development.” will take place within the show program. Chief engineer of HV cable systems Vladimir Burtovoy, director of production and technical department of HV cable systems Anatoly Kudryavtsev and other representatives of the branch will participate in the seminar’s work.
