
On the 30th of April in Stupinsky municipal district an arrangement on the mass bedding of trees took place. It was organized by JSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” and campaigners – young ecologists of Moscow region “Mestnye” under support of the Stupinsky region’s administration. 250 maples have forms 3 alleys – those of the Youth, Cosmonauts and Power engineers, and 30 thujas have decorated the monument to Home people-heroes.

The arrangement was opened solemnly by Chief of Stupinsky municipal district Pavel Ivanovich Chelpan, Deputy Director General – Director of branch of JSC “MOESK” – Southern electric grids Oleg Igorevich Sokolov, Chairman of the Union of deputies of city settlement Stupino Yuri Alexeevich Figalin, chief of Stupinsky headquarters of campaigners “Mestnye” Dmitry Mikhailovich Shalygin.

Beddings of trees were made on two main venues – in the Boulevard of Victory in town of Stupino, where 250 maples were bedded and in rural settlement Sitne-Schelkanovo of Stupinsky region where 30 thujas changed 45-years old damaged Engelmann spruces which enframed the monument to Home people-heroes. The given acts are symbolic to a large extent: 66 years ago on the 30th of April of 1945 the red flag was raised over the Reichstag, and 45 years ago the monument itself to Home people-heroes was opened.


Over 300 people took part in the bedding of trees, including the Great Patriotic War’s veterans, the representatives of the Stupinsky region’s administration, Management Board, employees and veterans of JSC “MOESK” branch – Southern electric grids, campaigners “Mestnye”, representatives of Stupinsky iron and steel company and Stupinsky machine-building production enterprise and also trade union MATI RGTU in the name of Tsiolkovsky and student group RosNOU. 

Pavel Ivanovich Chelpan, Chief of Stupinsky municipal district: “In our town compensatory beddings of trees have taken place, coincided with celebration of the Day of spring and labor and the Victory Day. After winter icy rain which inflicted a serious harm, JSC “MOESK” gave young maples which we have bedded today together with the campaigners “Mestnye” and power engineers of Moscow region. Now an alley of Youth and alley of Power engineers have appeared in Stupino.

I believe today’s arrangement to be very needed and useful. Stupino has always been glorious by its greenery and we try to make our town bloomy”.


Vitaly Mikhailovich Strugovets, Director of Department on public relations of JSC “MOESK”: “It’s not a secret for anybody that the last year’s weather cataclysms – forest fires and icy rain inflicted a serious damage to nature of several Russia’ regions, including Moscow region. So to recover power supply, the power engineers had to enlarge cutting down of trees on cross-cuts. To compensate for cutting down and recover the natural balance we have taken a decision to make large-scale beddings of trees. It’s pleasant that campaigners “Mestnye” have agreed to help us - the boys and girls have supported this initiative with half word and got into the swing of things”.

Dmitry Mikhailovich Shalygin, Chief of Stupinsky headquarters of campaigners “Mestnye”: “The today’s act’s value is hard to re-estimate. From the one hand, we have managed by the joint efforts to bed 3 new alleys which will decorate Stupino. From the other hand we have shown the positive example of cooperation of power, large business and public sphere for the sake of nature preservation. We would like to hope that other commercial companies will follow the example of JSC “MOESK”.