
The branch of JSC “MOESK” Moscow cable networks summed up the investment program for the 1st quarter of 2011.

Over the past period all key indicators of the investment program were exceeded.

In the 1st quarter of 2011 capital investments in the sum of more than RUR 817 million were assimilated, with the planed RUR 530.2 million, which amounts to 154% of the plan.

Fixed assets were introduced in the amount of over 1 billion 394 million, with the planed RUR 820 800 000, which corresponds to 170% of the plan.

Capacities were introduced in volume of 130.36 MVA, with the plan of 106.51 MVA, the over-fulfillment of the plan by 22%, and more than 143 km of power transmission lines with target indicator 128.66 km, with over-fulfillment of the plan by 11%.

Moscow cable networks is the branch of Joint Stock Company “Moscow United Electric Grid Company”.

The main activities are providing services for power transmission to customers and technological connection to power grids.

0.4-20 kV and 35 kV electric grids with the total length of 69.426 km and 17.243 distribution and transmission substations are in operation of the branch Moscow cable networks, which transmit electricity to residential and public buildings, municipal facilities, electrified transport, industrial companies all over Moscow: from the Kremlin to Kurkino and Butovo, including Zelenograd and Shcherbinka.

The aggregate number of employees of the branch amounts to more than 5 000 persons.