
Director General of JSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” Andrey Konovalov held business visiting meeting on questions of cable lines installation, designed for provision of power supply to Innovation Centre “Skolkovo”. Work on the transformation of 500 and 220 kv overhead power lines in cable lines in order to release built-up area for ​​Innovation Centre is JSC “Moskabel’set’montazh” - 100% subsidiary of Moscow United Electric Grid Company. 

About the situation at the construction site the management of JSC “Moskabel’set’montazh” reported to Andrey Konovalov: Director General Oleg Kostikov, the First Deputy Director General Artur Bagdasarov and Chief of Construction and assembling management-2 Aleksey Abros’kin. They said that at the present time the Company has prepared a section of trench with a total length 2.2 km. Installation of 220 kv cable lines was started at the site of assembly pit M3 to assembly pit M4. As of 5th of May, two 220 kW cable lines (CL) were installed (4.008 metres) in single-phase design. Works on the construction of chambers for 500 kv straight joints M1-M6 are fully completed. Pits for cameras M14 and M15 were excavated, a trench at the site M1-M6 – to a depth of 2 meters. The works on construction of enclosed crossing by the method of horizontally directed drilling across the creek on the 2nd phase of construction are in progress. Also at the construction site 52 km of 220 and 500 kv cable were supplied.


Construction of facilities for power supply diagram of Innovation Centre “Skolkovo” is carried out using the most modern and innovative equipment of leading domestic and foreign manufacturers. Power cables of wire section 2500 mm2, 2000 mm2 and 1600 mm2 with cross-linked polyethylene insulation and copper core from the leading manufacturers are used for cable lines. JSC “Moskabel’set’montazh” also carry out installation of cable lines with the use of advanced technologies. All operations are conducted in compliance with necessary safety measures.


During the meeting Director General of JSC “MOESK” Andrey Konovalov discussed current questions on construction and main technical solutions for cable lines installation. Participants visited construction of 220 kv CL in the context of business meeting program.
