
Employees of JSC “MOESK” branch – Eastern electric networks planted 50 thuyas in Moscow region within the target program of IDGC Holding “Electricity Distribution Complex - for the environment control”. Planting of seedlings was held in the newly built district of the city, in the Maykl Lunna’s street. Thuyas frame semicircularly children's playground, built for the residents of nearby houses. Thus, we have not big, but cosy Square of power engineers.

The event was organized jointly with Administration of Balashikha and branch of the Movement of young environmentalists “Mestnye”. In addition to representatives of JSC “MOESK” and authorities at the meeting, held prior to planting, students of secondary special educational institutions of Balashikha, members of the Society of young parents “Sem’ya”, residents of nearby houses gathered. All of them helped in watering of established plants and promised to take care of the plantings. At the meeting Head of health care department for personnel of Eastern electric networks Aleksandr Novichikhin, Chairman of Young Professionals Council of the branch Sergey Deyneko, specialist from ecology department of Balashikha district administration Ekaterina Kozlova spoke. They emphasized the social significance of campaign to restore the natural balance, disturbed by a climate anomalies, and thanked all participants for seeking to preserve the environment and multiply the green wealth of Moscow region.

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