
By tradition, in the spring Central electric networks gathered veterans for a feast, who have dedicated their working lives to the Moscow energy system. Veterans-power engineers became the guests of honor at the ceremony, who with weapons in their hands defend the country against the Nazi occupiers, workers of the rear, helped to provide the front with all necessary things, as well as those who, due to young age did not participate in hostilities, but gave all his or her strength to postwar restoration of the metropolitan power industry.

The event was opened by Deputy Director General of JSC “MOESK” – Director of Central Electric Grids Aleksandr Raev. On behalf of the employees of Central Electric Grids, he congratulated all audience with the holiday and wished them health and prosperity. In his speech, Aleksandr Igorevich bowed to the contribution of veterans-power engineers, as well in the case of the Victory, as in the reconstruction and development of Moscow power industry. Congratulating audience, Director of the branch read out the celebratory address of Director General of JSC “MOESK” Andrey Konovalov.

There were congratulations from Deputy Director General in HR Management Vyacheslav Mikheev, Chairman of the trade union of Central Electric Grids Tat’yana Barkovskaya, Head of HR Department Eugeniya Yushkina. Their words were full of sincere gratitude to veterans for their work and wishes of long life, success, happiness and health.


At the conclusion of a festive concert was carried. Vladimir and Oksana Ziborovy performed a performance. They sang songs for the veterans of the war years: “Earth-house”, “We will reach it at any price”, “Victory Day”. Simple words of the songs reflected the full achievement of the Russians, sounded so sincere and heartfelt, that some of the participants in the ceremony could not hold back their tears!


Honoring of Veterans, organized in Central Electric Grids is an integral part of social policy of JSC “MOESK”, aimed primarily at the education of young power engineers in the spirit of labor traditions of their predecessors.