
On 6th of May in the context of celebration of the 66th Great Victory anniversary power engineers of Joint Stock Company “Moscow United Electric Grid Company”, together with representatives from the Government of Moscow Region, Administration of Volokholamsk municipal district took part in festivities on the occasion of the opening of the renovated military graves near the village of Ivanovo near Volokholamsk. Place of burial of more than 500 soldiers’ remains from 318th Infantry Division of Panfilov and sailors from the 64th Pacific Marine Infantry Brigade who were killed in 1941 during the liberation from Nazi invaders, is a landmark destination for residents of Volokholamsk district, as well as veterans of Great Patriotic War.

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Major efforts have been made by several companies and organizations in preparing for this event under the voluntary patronage over monuments and graves of soldiers of the Great Patriotic War. Thus, by the power engineers of the Western electric networks - the branch of JSC "MOESK" - mast for lighting were installed, and as part of the target program of IDGC Holding, OJSC "Electricity Distribution complex - for the environmental control" 75 noble tree species were planted.

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“I am convinced that the activities carried out are tribute to the great achievement, heroism and sacrifice of the Soviet people during World War II”, Deputy Director General of JSC “MOESK” - Director of the Western electric networks, Aleksandr Yakunin said during a solemn ceremony.

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