
Due to results of five months of 2011 branch of JSC “MOESK” – Central Electric Grids (CEG) achieved reduction of level of electric power losses. Personnel of Central Electric Grids saved 1.61 mln kWh: actual losses are 1.64% to grid output with planned indexes – 1.65%.

From January till May of 2011 productive electric power supply in branch’s grids amounted to 19,621.56 mln kWh, what exceeds 7.25% indexes for the same period of last year. Grid output due to results of the first five months of current year exceeded 19,949.1 mln kWh (7.24% more than for the same period of 2010).

Achievement of such indexes was possible thanks to serious purposeful work, which is carried out in enterprise. Deputy Director for Transport and Distribution of Electric Power Igor’ Mikryukov points out: “Annually program of measures on reduction of level of electric power losses is worked out. Positive results and overachievement of target was possible thanks to qualitative accounting of electric power, execution of number of organizational and technical arrangements, including introduction of Automated information and measuring system of commercial energy metering, working today on 95 substations of branch. Power engineers carry out regular reading of commercial energy metering devices of consumers, perform control over technical condition of electric power metering devices, as well as control over formation of productive supply for every consumer”.