
Due to adverse weather conditions, expected in Moscow and Moscow region on 25-26th of June - thunderstorms, strong wind gusts to 15-20 m/s Duty Shift Services of Moscow United Electric Grid Company are in high alert.

In accordance with Technical Director Anatoly Chegodaev the necessary measures to ensure operational reliability of equipment and uninterrupted supply to consumers were taken. In particular, the readiness of Emergency Response and Restoration Teams to act in adverse weather conditions was additionally validated, the personnel were provided with the necessary tools, materials and devices. The readiness for operation of portable electric power plants was tested, if necessary, to ensure their timely departure and connect socially relevant customers and critical infrastructure. Operative and technological personnel were additionally instructed on independent actions in case of consumers’ mass disconnections, as well as the possible use of temporarily outage schedule. All branches of MOESK also established a link with the local agency of Ministry of Emergency Situations and Operation Headquarters, to organize, if necessary, joint actions.

Press relations service of MOESK