
JSC “MOESK” is continuing activity on restriction of electricity thefts in the form of unaccounted consumption of electricity and consumption without agreement. So, according to the results of past week, 96 acts on unaccounted consumption of electricity in volume of 1 082.1 thousand kWh were drawn by specialists of JSC “MOESK”. In comparison with the previous period there is the decrease of identified unaccounted consumption by 28% (414.9 thousand kWh).

Consumption of electricity without agreement was fixed by 131 acts. Its volume amounted to 1 532.0 thousand kWh. In comparison with the previous week there is the increase of identified unaccounted consumption by 573.1 thousand kWh (by 60%).

73 acts (631.7 thousand kWh) from previously fixed violations were paid in the amount of RUR 2 615.6 thousand.