
In the frame of preparation for the autumn-winter period of 2011-2012 branch of Joint-Stock Company “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” - Moscow Cable Networks (MCN) implements a repair program for the power grid facilities of the Company.

Repair of buildings, structures, machinery and equipment is carried out in accordance with the approved schedule. During five months of 2011 the Moscow branch of the Company has repaired 475 transformer and distribution substations (in 2010 over the same period 448 substations were repaired). Also cable lines with total length of more than 34 km, 63 transformers were repaired; complex repair of 10 km of overhead lines was made, including 111 supports of 0.4-10 kV power transmission lines.

The main task of the repair campaign is high-quality and timely execution of works. These factors provide reliability in service of whole power grid distribution complex and, consequently, uninterrupted operations during peak of loads in the autumn-winter period.

Since the beginning of 2011 MCN sent for repairs about RUR 573 million (last year investments amounted to just over RUR 552 million).

Moscow Cable Networks (MCN) is the branch of Joint-Stock Company “Moscow United Electric Grid Company”.

The main activities of MCN are providing services for reliable power transmission and distribution of electricity within the territory of Moscow and technological connection to power grids.

0.4-20 kV and 35 kV electric grids with the total length of 69.426 km and 17.243 distribution and transmission substations, which transmit electricity to residential and public buildings, municipal facilities, electrified transport, and industrial companies all over Moscow: from the Kremlin to Kurkino and Butovo, including Zelenograd and Shcherbink, are in operation of the Company.

The aggregate number of employees of the branch amounts to more than 5 000 persons.