
Moscow United Electric Grid Company will direct over RUR 500 mln. for the renovation of 110 kV substation “Vesennyaya” in Podolsk district of Moscow region. All the complex of the reconstruction works is made in the framework of the implementation of the Company’s investment program and is planned till the end of 2013.

Substation “Vesennyaya” was set in operation in 1975. The energy facility implements the power supply of town Klimovsk with the population of over 50 thousand people, all the industrial and social significant facilities of the city. The renovated substation will make it possible to increase reliability and quality of power supply of the consumers of the Southern Moscow region, social and industrial facilities.

In the renovation course of the substation, two power transformers with 25 MVA will be substituted by two transformers with 40 MVA, manufactured at plant JSC “Electrozavod” in Moscow. It will make it possible to increase the substation’s capacity by 60%. They also plan to reconstruct 110 kV outdoor switchgear and construct new 6 kV indoor switchgear.

Presently branch of JSC “MOESK” Southern electric grids are carrying out the works on construction of 110 kV one-dimensional cells, a fundament for the installation of a power transformer T-2 with the capacity of 40 MVA, the installation of an oil receiver. The works on the dismantlement of a reserve cell of 110 kV have been carried out.

Let us recall, that the investment program of JSC “MOESK” in Moscow region exceeds RUR 13 bln and counts over 4 ths. facilities. The Company’s total investment program in 2012 amounts to over RUR 37 bln. By the forecasts, the investment program fulfillment will amount to 102%.