
JSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” has become a prize winner “Time for innovations” for the project “Elaboration of the charging infrastructure for the public electric transport of Moscow and Moscow region”. The prize winners’ awarding ceremony took place on the 28th of November of 2012 in Moscow, in “President-Hotel”. The ceremony was emceed by famous newsman, theatre director, public person and master station “Ekho of Moscow” Matvey Ganapol’sky.


Prize “Time for innovations” – is an independent award for achievements in the sphere of the innovative activities, which have got a public and business recognition. The goal of the Prize – is to reveal and reward innovative projects, as well as practices, aimed at the innovative developments stimulating and introducing.

Representative of JSC “MOESK” – Deputy Director for IT, innovations and operating efficiency Denis Tsypulev specified in his speech, that “MOESK has got the prize “Time for innovations” for the second time already. But we don’t stop and now it’s very important for our Company to obtain, first of all, the results in the sphere of the public transport. We believe that electrobuses could have helped to the metropolitan mega city to solve an array of problems. The objective of MOESK in this matter – is to create conditions so that the advanced technologies could enter our life and citizens could get an opportunity to breathe clear air, and electric grids – could function in a more optimal mode”.

MOESK got the prize “Time for innovations” for the first time in 2011 year, for the project of the infrastructure creation for the electric transport, and then was just an idea. A year has passed away and now 50 charging stations function in Moscow, 28 ones from which have been constructed by us, the rest stations were constructed by independent players, and it means, that the electric transport market is developing. “This trend can’t be stopped already and the electric transport is becoming a norm in our city’s streets”, - emphasized Denis Tsypulev.

Prize “Time for innovations” is initiated by Fund “Social projects and programs” with the support of Economic Development Ministry and Ministry of Telecom & Mass Communications of Russia.