
The “Southern Electric Grids” – the branch of JSC “MOESK” plans to allocate RUR 6.6 mn for the program of training, retraining and professional development of its employees. More than 1,100 specialists of the enterprise will pass training in the current year.

The main lines of training are defined on the basis of the production problems the company faces, as well as the need to create a professional and productive culture of employees.

For example, provision of the branch with mobile power plants of 180-640 kVA in capacity, the number of which in 2013 will increase to 25 pieces, made it necessary to hold training in operation and maintenance of new equipment. As a result, on 25.03. a group of 17 employees from all electric grid districts of the branch started the course “Operation and maintenance of diesel power plants”.

Drawing up the program of training, retraining and professional development, special attention was given to training of staff in accident prevention and occupational safety, safety in production workplace. More than 200 employees of the branch will be retrained in these lines.

Newcomers were not left unattended. Since the beginning of the year, 20 people have passed training in the rules and regulations of arrangement of labor safety in electric power plants and grids.

Skills formation also provides training in higher and secondary specialized educational institutions and institutions of further education under the programs, duration of which exceeds 500 hours. Now 8 employees from the Southern Electric Grids are learning to get the secondary engineering education at the company’s expense; another four employees expressed their desire to improve level of education in specialized higher education institutions.

As to teaching issues, the enterprise cooperates with such institutions as Moscow Institute of Energy Safety and Energy Preservation – NEE (non-state educational establishment) HVE (of higher vocational education) “MIESEP”, Educational Center of Continuation of Professional Education “Perspective”, SAP CIS, “Energy Staff Training Centre” in Saint Petersburg, Corporate Energy University – NE (non-commercial enterprise) “UES CESC” (Corporate Educational Scientific Center of the Unified Energy System), Educational Center “InterEnergoKadry”, Center for Contemporary Education “AXIOMA”, Institute of Continuing Professional Education “GASIS”, etc.