
DSC_0088.jpgJoint workshop-meetings of the employees of education departments of municipal districts of Southern Moscow region and the specialists of Department of occupational safety, security and reliability of technological processes of branch of JSC “MOESK” – Southern Electric Grids (SEG) took place on the 9th and the 11th of April in Podolsk and Kashira.

The arrangements are organized in the frames of campaign “Kind electricity – to children”, which was initiated by MOESK’s power engineers in 2009 to warn and prevent cases of electric injuries among children and teenagers at electric power facilities. More than 70 representatives of general education institutions of Domodedovo, Chekhov, Podolsk, Serpukhov, Kashira, Serebryaniye Prudy and other districts: Deputy Directors of schools for safety, teachers of fundamentals of health and safety came to discuss the issue, which is vital for all: children’s health.

A lecture regarding the issues of electric safety, demonstration on manikin of premedical first aid rendering techniques in case of electric injury, presentation of topic-related brochure “Extracurricular hour in educational institutions” was included in the workshop program. The teachers had possibility to get acknowledged with safe work methods of the company MOESK and ask questions, which they are interested in, in conversational mode.

Because the workshop’s main aim was to develop system interaction between educational institutions and power engineers, the gathered teachers highly estimated the possibility to organize lessons of fundamentals of health and safety by the Company’s representatives by the way of application on web-page (http://www.moesk.ru) to section “Application for a lesson conduct”.

During two hours after the arrangement completed more than 15 applications with the request to acquaint children of 1-4 and 5-7 forms with the rules of electric safety came to the specialists’ address of branch Southern Electric Grids. Many people were interested in invitation of senior school pupils to Doors Open Days, which are traditionally held in Southern Electric Grids in the beginning and in the end of school year. Precisely such communication form with pupils is the most effective for career guidance for the work in electric power industry.

According to Head of Department of occupational safety, security and reliability of technological processes of SEG Galina Petrova, the workshop, which took place in the frames of campaign “Kind electricity – to children”, is organized to prevent cases of children’s electric injuries in everyday life and at electric power facilities, as well as to increase quality of preventive work among children and teenagers. Engagement of district and municipal education departments for joint participation in the campaign will allow to widen the audience among people for public awareness work in this direction. She also pointed out that arrangements, carried out in the frames of campaign “Kind electricity – safe vacations”, will be held during all summer vacations at the collective places of children’s resort according to the approved schedule. Employees of the Department of occupational safety, representatives of operative and dispatching and informational service of the enterprise SEG will be engaged to participate in the campaign.