
In the frames of electric power supply reliability increase branch of JSC “MOESK” – Western Electric Grids installs reclosers at 6-10 kV overhead lines (OL), which provide the main powering of distant settlements, as well as on feeders with the largest number of socially important objects.

Recloser (from English word recloser, literally – switch) is an automatic distribution station (ADS), combining advanced technologies of microprocessor, automated relay protection (ARP) and commutation equipment. By the way of line sectioning with the use of smart devices, each of which analyses work modes of electric grid, by supervisory control system allows to localize the place of damage and simultaneously restore electric power supply of consumers of non-damaged grid sections. This equipment is a modern home-grown technology, aimed to increase essentially consumers’ electric power supply reliability.

“Reclosers are installed at those OL sections, which are situated in the most distanced and hard-to-reach areas, as well as on the lines, which supply with electric power important social objects. Owing to the use of such smart devices in case of technological disturbances time for detection of disconnected section will reduce, while this disconnection will not anyhow influence general electric power supply of other consumers”, - Vasiliy Taranenko, Deputy Chief Engineer for the distribution grids of Western Electric Grids, pointed out.

For the operative management of distribution grid (6-10 kV) modes in the frames of industrial program the branch mounted: in 2012 – 16 ADS, in 2013 – 27 is planned, and in 2014 30 of such devices more are expected to be installed.