
More than 300 children from four schools in the city of Kolomna: #11, #20, #21 and #24 became active participants in open classes held in early April by the staff of the occupational safety division of the Eastern Electrical Grids of JSC “MOESK” together with the specialists of the Company’s public relations department within the framework of the many years’ campaign “Kind Electricity for Children.” Its main purpose is prevention of electric traumas among children. The greater part of pupils are boys of the most curious and careless age - 9-13 years old.


Opening the classes, energy specialists reminded the children that in connection with the upcoming summer holidays, they should recall over and over the main rules of personal safety in active games outside, and what every pupil should know being near energy facilities.

Mikhail Shvakin, Senior Inspector of the occupational safety division, using posters specially designed in the Company, told the children about the importance of electricity in people’s lives, its benefit. He paid special attention to dangers of electricity, if it is used carelessly and incompetently.

023.jpgBoys and girls listened with interest to the story of “kind” and “bad” electricity, actively answered questions of Mikhail Pavlovich regarding the rules for using electricity at home. They were particularly active in comparing the signs of heat and electricity where they showed good awareness.

Special safety warning signs located at all power units were also shown during the lessons. According to the tradition, the lessons ended with demonstration of the main techniques of the first aid to victims using a mannequin. The boys excitedly tried to be the first to approach the mannequin in order to try their hand at saving, perhaps, his friend.

According to past experience, this interactive form of classes is of the greatest benefit in helping children learn the rules of safe use of electricity.

Energy specialists presented the most active participants of open classes with souvenirs: magnets and key holders containing rules of electrical safety.