
JSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” has held the meeting of relay protection and automatic equipment (RPAE). Every year in April, the department for relay protection and mode automatic equipment of electrical grids sums up the past year and identifies the tasks for the current year. The meeting summed up operation of relay protection and automatic equipment devices in 2012, analyzed cases of incorrect operation of this equipment, defects of relay protection and automatic equipment, set long-term objectives.

061.jpgThe meeting was opened by Maxim Gribkov, Director of the department for relay protection and mode automatic equipment of electrical grids. He stressed the importance of the work of relay protection specialists, especially in view of the fact that JSC “MOESK” developed an innovative project “digital substation”, which will apply new technical solutions, including in respect of relay protection and automatic equipment. “The reliability of relay protection of high voltage and distribution grids depends on our work,” Maxim Alexandrovich said.

Summing up performance of the RPAE services, Alexander Fursenko, head of the RPAE electric grids administration of JSC "Moscow United Electric Grid" Alexander Fursenko said that in 2012 the total number of cases of using relay protection and automatic equipment devices was 9,645, including – 9,544 cases of proper operation. That means that the cases of correct operation of RPAE equipment equaled 98.95% (in 2011 this figure amounted to 98.84%). Relay protection and electrical automatic devices were used in 2012 to liquidate 3,887 disturbances of proper operation. In order to minimize the number of cases of malfunctioning of relay protection and automatic equipment devices, a thorough investigation is organized and guidance materials for JSC “MOESK” are issued in each case of malfunctioning of RPAE devices.

The meeting also discussed the cases of improper operation of RPAE devices (speaker - Alexander Martikhin, senior expert of the RPAE administration), defects in RPAE equipment (Alexey Zharkov, chief specialist of the RPAE administration), organization of operation of relay protection and automatic equipment of 6-10 kV distribution grids (Yury Postnikov, head of RPAE DG).

062.jpgBesides, the reports on performance of their subdivisions were presented by the colleagues from the Relay Protection Service of the Moscow Regional Dispatch Administration (RDA) and JSC “Mosenergo”. Employees of the RPAE services of the braches of JSC “MOESK” shared experience in operation of relay protection in its branches.

The means of relay protection and automatic equipment are designed to eliminate abnormal grid modes, protection of electrical equipment against short-circuit currents and power restoration for consumers after outages. Thanks to reliable operation of relay protection and automatic equipment, damages of equipment destruction are reduced the same concerns undersupply of electricity to consumers in case of process failures.

At the end of 2012, energy specialists of JSC “MOESK” have 128,944 sets of relay protection and automatic equipment in service. Compared to the same period of the last year, an increase is 22.29%. The company employs 354 relay protection specialists, the average age of a RPAE specialist is 44.2 years old.