
JSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” (MOESK) has summed up the results of passing of the autumn and winter period of years 2012-2013. No mass cutoffs and sustained interruptions of the power supply of consumers were admitted in the energy company’s responsibility area.

_DSC2404.jpgBy the words of the Director General of MOESK Pyotr Sinyutin, a stable passing of the AWP – is a result of the timely and qualitative fulfillment of the investment and repair programs, a high professionalism of the employees and their readiness to the work in terms of emergent situations, as well as a well coordinated and quick cooperation with the government agencies and local authorities, regional services of EMERCOM, RosHydroMet and the second level territorial grid organizations.

Within the periods of the electric power consumptions peaks, introduction of the new grid equipment, work in the high alert regimes, the energy system of MOESK functioned stably, having provided a high degree of the power supply reliability.

Following the results of AWP of years 2012-2013 the number reduction of the technological disturbances by 10.8% was noted, the volume reduction of unserved energy by 39%, as well as a reduction of the terms for the consumers’ power supply recovery with the voltage of 6 kV and more on the average by 8% as compared to the previous heating season.

Operating and repair teams of MOESK were equipped with the necessary equipment and special vehicles, a stock of materials in order to carry out emergency recovery works. Reserve sources – mobile power plants (MPP) were used in the event of feeding centers’ cuts off in order to provide the maximally quick deployment and connection of the additional energy sources, MOESK changed the scheme of the MPP placement: the time of the teams’ arrival at a place of cutting-off was reduced to 20 minutes, a subsequent connection of the facilities – to 2 hours. Totally there are about 130 similar stations in the park of MOESK, including the mobile power plants of the lower power up to 10 kW.

Teams of MOESK together with the power engineers of IDGC of North-West took also the active part in the power supply recovery in the territory of Pskov region in December of year 2012 after a complex of the unfavorable weather conditions.

Total expenses of Moscow United Electric Grid Company to implement the repair program’s arrangements have amounted to about RUR 4.9 bln, to implement the investment projects – about RUR 36.1 bln.

Currently the branches of JSC “MOESK” have already started fulfilling a plan of arrangements in preparation to the AWP of years 2013-2014.