
101.jpgTrainings on emergency situation liquidation took place at substation (SS) “Baskakovo”, which is situated on the territory of Eastern administrative district of Moscow.

The arrangement was held according to Order # 260 of the Minister of EMERCOM of Russia dd. 18.04.2013 “On a complex training conduct with management authorities and by the forces of unified state system of prevention and liquidation of emergency situations and civil defense on liquidation of large-scale emergency situations and fires”.

Scenario on inflammation and fire was given to management of District High-Voltage Electric Grids (DHVEG), to security post of SS “Baskakovo”, to dispatcher of operational area of Central Electric Grids (CEG) – branch of JSC “MOESK” and to management centre in critical situations of EMERCOM in Eastern administrative district. Measures on evacuation of working personnel from dangerous area and measures on de-energization of inflammation area were taken immediately. On the territory of SS water sources and protection devices for the arrived fire team were prepared. With these aims emergency repair team, consisting of 4 people, response personnel of substation and facility’s security was engaged. The arrived fire team was given information on inflammation and taken measures.

Fire team conducted fire fighting, simultaneously forces fire fighting headquarters were established by EMERCOM.

102.jpgCommissions on emergency situations (ES) and fire safety (FS) of executive apparatus, CEG and MCG began to work. Chairperson of the Commission on ES and FS of the executive apparatus – Technical Director of JSC “MOESK” Anatoly Chegodaev introduced special work mode and established response centre.

Emergency response crew-7, emergency repair team, response personnel of SS, and administrative and technical employees of DHVEG of EAD, as well as 3 items of machinery were engaged in electric power supply restoration, liquidation of consequences.

To enforce restoration works 3 repair teams of the neighboring districts, 3 items of CEG’s special machinery, 5 items of MCG’s machinery and 20 employees were mobilized. Security post at SS was strengthened, interaction with representatives of Department of internal affairs of EAD was organized.

In the course of training issues on coordination of actions of headquarters and commissions under ES conditions, interaction and practical actions of personnel of different authorities on ES liquidation were practiced to perfection.