
“Moscow United Electric Grid Company” is taking part in development of the capital transportation infrastructure. “Moscow cable grids”– a branch of the Company – has got approval for the project of consumer substations installation for power supply of building of a new Underground station.

Building of underground lines is a power-consuming industry. “MOESK” power engineers have accomplished a task of electrical capacity transmission to subway tunnelers. In addition to the project approval on CTS installation, “MCG” (Moscow cable grids) power engineers have got approval for cable lines installation along the collector. Later on, after putting the Underground station into operation, allocated capacity will be transmitted to a service provider. It’s planned to connect Underground station “Salar’evo” through a cable line of 10kV from the “MOESK” feeding center.

As is well-known, it’s planned to prolong Underground line “Sokol’nicheskaya” to “Salar’evo” and put it into operation in December of 2014. A new section of the Underground “red” line will serve inhabitants of Troparyovo-Nikulino District, employees of business-center “Rumyantsevo”, as well the population of Solntsevo and Novo-Peredelkino Districts, settlements: “Moskovskiy”, “Mosrengen”, and “Sosnenskoe” of Novomoskovsk Administrative District of the Capital. A Commuter parking lot for cars, terminus for land public transport and other objects will be included as compounds of it.