
On June, 4 of the current year in Central entrepreneur’s house “a round table” took place regarding issues of interaction of business and power engineers. The meeting organizers were Moscow United Electric Grid Company (MOESK) and Moscow city organization “OPORA RUSSIA” (MOSOPORA).

Subject of discussion was accessibility of power infrastructure, connection to electric grids, operation and many other urgent problems. Top managers of Moscow United Electric Grid Company answered questions of representatives of small and medium business. Particularly, entrepreneurs were interested in the issues of capacity increase, connection to electric grids and its document support, regulatory terms of emergency restoration works and many others.

In the course of discussion Director General of JSC “MOESK” Pyotr Sinyutin pointed out, the meeting, which took place, reflects the Company’s targeted strategy, aimed at effective development of distribution electric grid complex of Moscow region. “The course, set by our Company, reflects objectively both needs of business environment, and necessity to seek for new, maximally effective work forms, based on simplicity of connection to MOESK’s power infrastructure, due execution of their liabilities by the process participants, which means constructive dialogue with our consumers”.

Meeting’s moderator, Chairman of the Board of MOSOPORA Alexander Zharkov, pointed out, that the arrangement, which took place, - is a beginning of a great course. “When both parties are ready to make advances to each other, it will result in fast overcoming of all problems. We intend to participate in MOESK’s working sessions, will analyze entrepreneurs’ problems and inform about it the Company’s administration for passing of some or other resolutions”, - he concluded.

Deputy Director General of JSC “MOESK” for grid connection and services development Stanislav Khatskevich, made a presentation of program “5 steps and 3 visits”, in which MOESK’s work is illustrated, carried out for simplification and reduction of terms of grid connection procedure of objects of small and medium business to electric networks.

“Round table” was broadcast on-line and everyone, who connected to webinar, could ask questions. The meeting result was an agreement on regular conduct of such arrangements.