
JSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” (MOESK) improves interaction mechanisms with regional authorities and business representatives regarding issues of providing of facilities with power capacities and creation of the corresponding grid infrastructure. Deputy Director General for grid connection and services development of JSC “MOESK” Stanislav Khatskevich told about it at the arrangement, devoted to Russian Entrepreneur’s Day, which took place on the eve in Government House of Moscow region.

Acting Governor of Moscow region Andrey Vorob’yev took part in solemn opening ceremony.

JSC “MOESK” works closely with the Government of Moscow region. Currently a number of agreements is reached regarding interaction in the ways of grid connection; permit documentation receipt for construction and reconstruction of electric grid facilities. Regulations on coordination of land allotment and other permit documentation on the territory of Moscow region and Agreement on unified grid connection standard of privileged categories of consumers is being worked out.

“MOESK – is the largest grid company of the region, development of which is mostly defined by the policy, performed by authorities. Issues of grid infrastructure are also of primary importance here. As an example of joint effective work in the frames of program “Our Moscow region. Development priorities” can serve complex reconstruction of MOESK’s substations. For example, capacity increase by one third of substation “Sheremet’yevo” will allow to improve electric power supply quality not only of the similarly-named international airport, but also of the whole north of Moscow region”, - Stanislav Khatskevich said.

Acting Governor of Moscow region Andrey Vorob’yev, when commenting an issue of creation of necessary power infrastructure for business development, also pointed out the importance of intelligent interaction forming. “Intense communications allow reckoning on operative solving of issues. We are very accessible both at municipal and regional level”, - Andrey Vorob’yev pointed out.

We’d like also to note that all main MOESK’s facilities (35 kV and over), according to investment program, are included in Schemes and programs of electric power industry development of Moscow and Moscow region. Program documents are updated annually for 5 years with the account of plans of territories development. There also exist or are developed local schedules of separate arrangements realization in different directions, which include necessity in electric power supply provision.