
JSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” (MOESK) acts as an official partner of sport competitions of IX Military and sport forum “Ready to work and defense”. Large-scale sport event will take place in the capital from May, 30 till June, 2 on Red Square.

Under assistance of MOESK on May, 31 from 04:30 p.m. till 07:00 p.m. in the frames of the forum an international match meeting will take place between teams of state guard services in combat rules of special assignment “FGS of Russia VS State Guard Service of the Republic of Belarus”.

On June, 1 on the same scene (ring) from 02:00 p.m. till 04:00 p.m. under the Company’s assistance competitions in Thai boxing Russia –Thailand will take place; from 04:00 p.m. till 07:00 p.m. – a match meeting in MMA between the strongest fighters of mix fight of Russia and Kazakhstan.

Besides it, in the frames of forum the Second labor Spartakiad for the cup of GTO (Ready to work and defense), in which MOESK’s picked teams will take part, will be held. According to organizers’ data, more than 20 labor collectives of different companies will take part in competitions in three sport disciplines: football, volleyball and table tennis. In the previous year MOESK’s football team took the third place in the First labor Spartakiad. Reference:

During four days on Red Square 16 sport sites will be acting, on which competitions in 43 kinds of sport will be held (including tournaments of international level), 10 Spartakiads for GTO Cup will take place (including All-Russian school Spartakiad). Competitions, associated also with anniversary dates, will be held: 70th anniversary of establishment of Suvorov and Nakhimov military schools, 90th anniversary of All-Russian Fitness and Sport Society “Dinamo”, 95th anniversary of State Central Order of Lenin Institute of Physical Education (SCOLIPE).

Traditionally Forum GTO is attended by more than 100,000 Moscovites and visitors of the capital. During Forum’s days everyone wishing can try themselves in physical training and pass GTO complex standards on Red Square. All participants will get a souvenir, the most prepared and the fastest among them – GTO Pin and memorable present.