
JSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” (MOESK) has got a citation from Administration of the Moscow Region for power system steady operation, as well as for qualitative interaction with consumers within the autumn and winter period (AWP) of 2012-2013.

A grateful letter, signed by Acting Governor of Moscow Region Andrei Vorob’yov, was addressed to Director General of JSC “Russian Grids” (majority shareholder of JSC “MOESK”) Oleg Budarin.

The power engineers earned gratitude from the Head of the Region for a good work arrangement over the last heating season. The Regional Government also noted that according to the rating of the Russian Ministry of Regional Development, the Moscow Region headed the list by integrated AWP passing index. The index involves plenty of criteria, including disturbances number, their elimination efficiency, emergency reserves condition, etc.

“Reliability control and quality improvement of power supply to consumers of Moscow and Moscow Region is one of the priority task in our company’s activity, – underlines Director General of JSC “MOESK” Pyotr Sinyutin. – An appreciation received for “MOESK” work proves our right choice of engineering policy and our company employees’ competence as well”.

Deputy Chairman of the Moscow Region Government Dmitry Pestov emphasized also that in spite of weather anomalies (sharp frosts, sleets, thunderstorm activity, heavy snowfalls and rainfalls) the electric power facilities operation was steady, and occurring electrical grid outages were eliminated in the shortest possible time. “Happening grid outages were eliminated within the normative time limits. During the last AWP we managed to arrange reliable power supply to inhabitants and enterprises of the Moscow Region. Special attention was paid to continuous work ensuring for life-support objects and socially significant facilities”, – underlined Dmitry Pestov.