
Power engineers of Eastern Electric Grids – branch of JSC “MOESK” – continue works on electric power supply quality increase in Orekhovo-Zuevo district in the frames of arrangements of Investment program of 2013. Specialists proceeded with the second stage of reconstruction of 6 kV overhead line (OL) section in Stepanovka village.

Sip.jpgInvestment project stipulates reconstruction of 0.4-6 kV OL, which supply with electric power residents of fifteen urban settlements of Orekhovo-Zuevo district, including Zaponor’ye, Radovanie, Dubrovo, Malinovo, etc.

Special control is kept on a problem solving of electric power quality in Stepanovka: out of 14 km of overhead line, which provides electric power supply of consumers, - approximately 7 km passes through hard-to-reach forest area. Problem of electric power supply quality in this urban settlement become especially urgent after natural disasters of 2010. For its solving MOESK’s power engineers realize staged plan of arrangements. The first stage was completed in the beginning of June by reconstruction of 6 kV OL section of the fourth feeder from substation (SS) “Kurovskaya”. In the course of works replacement of wire to modern self-supporting insulated wire of mark SIW-2 with enlarged section was made. Till the end of July 6 kV OL section will be reconstructed for a reserve creation. At the third stage it is planned to transfer power from 6 kV to 10 kV. Therefore before the beginning of heating season consumers will be provided with qualitative electric power supply. As it was said in Eastern Electric Grids, 12 power transformers with voltage class 10 kV are already prepared for this. Further, till the end of 2014 it is supposed to perform reconstruction of the remained section of problem overhead line.

“Completion of the planned arrangements will allow solving issue of electric power quality both for residents of Stepanovka and for consumers of neighboring urban settlements – in Avsyunino and Bogorodskoe villages”, - it was explained in branch of JSC “MOESK”.

It should be noted that in spite of consequences of fires and “ice” rain of 2010, distribution complex in Orekhovo-Zuevo district is being progressively developed. Particularly, in the past year works on reconstruction of 0.4 kV OL were carried out with installation of additional package transformer substations in urban settlements Dorokhovo, Sobolevo, Velino. According to program of grid connections 26 new transformer substations were put into operation with a total capacity of 3,715 kVA. 4 km of new 0.4 kV overhead lines were built. As a result – there is a visible tendency in significant reduction of cutoffs in 6-10 kV grid.

Complex works on the further increase of quality and reliability of electric power supply of consumers are - in the nearest plans of personnel of Orekhovo-Zuevo district of electric grids. Among priority goalss are – enlargement of forest corridors for 6-10 kV grids on the area of more than 30 ha, replacement of over 65 km of non-insulated wire to the wire of mark SIW-3.