
To provide reliable electric power supply of consumers during a fire danger period strict fire prevention regime is introduced in all branches of JSC “MOESK”, complex of compulsory arrangements is carried out, aimed at prevention and liquidation of possible emergency situations. Specialists point out that fire danger period in 2013 in central part of Russia began significantly later than usually. The most fire dangerous due to weather conditions became May, when weather conditions and presence of great number of dry last-year grass contributed to natural fires. High risk of fire occurrence is present during the whole summer period, as it is pointed out in MOESK, increase of fire danger is expected in July and August.

During the period of preparation for fire danger period employees of Department of production safety of executive apparatus of JSC “MOESK” executed unscheduled inspections of preparatory arrangements execution. At the moment no fires were detected at facilities of MOESK’s electric grid complex.

Among priority directions of program realization of MOESK’s facilities preparation to fire danger period are clearing or routes of electric power transmission lines; creation of fire-protection barriers for substations, bordering with forest areas; plowing of sites around wooden ETL poles. Besides, examination of capability of fire protection systems, condition of access roads to water sources and fire plugs, fire fighting water line, is held. Great attention is paid to equipment level of substations, divisions and crews with emergency fire-fighting equipment and readiness of fire-fighting machinery.

We’d like to point out tight interaction of MOESK’s power engineers with structural subdivisions of Chief Directorate of EMERCOM of Russia, administrations of districts and forestry authorities. According to approved procedure, communication charts and notification charts on emergency situations, including fires, are worked off.

Successful realization of preparation of electric grid facilities and responsible personnel to passing through fire danger period of 2013, as well as observation of strict fire prevention regime, will allow reducing risks of fires and avoiding injuries of employees of JSC “MOESK”.