
027.jpgJSC "Moscow United Electric Grid Company" branch - Central Electric Grids (CEG) initiated the second stage of the capital electric power substation (S) 110/10/6 kV "Tkatskaya" reconstruction. 

To increase reliability and capacity of the feeding center at the second phase of the substation “Tkatskaya" reconstruction, the T-2 transformer having capacity of 63 megavolt-amperes (MVA) will be replaced by a new one, having capacity of 80 MVA. Besides, longitudinal couplings of 6 and 10 kV will be replaced, and new 110 kV gas-insulated switches with modern microprocessor-based protection will be installed. 

Reconstruction of S "Tkatskaya" began last year. The works, related to replacement of T-1 transformer, were carried out. Thus, after the second transformer 80 MVA starting, scheduled for the beginning of August this year, the capacity of the feeding center will increase by one third. 

Increasing of electric power substation "Tkatskaya" capacity leads to improving the reliability of power supply, - said Roman Voinov, Director of CEG. - Besides, closer analysis of the present electrical system shows that the timely reconstruction of the feeding centers, new equipment installation is indispensable guarantee of security and quality of electricity supply. But the most important thing is that, at the end of the reconstruction, "Tkatskaya" will be open for grid connection of new consumers. As a part of the investment program, Substation "Tkatskaya" was put into operation in 1957. This feeding center provides electricity to many socially and economically important sites of the capital. Among them: the Moscow Zoo, Metro loco depot "Fili", State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgortrans", part of the infrastructure of the 3rd Inner-City Ring Road, the sports complex "Luzhniki", pumping station TPP-7, health care, schools, kindergartens and households of Krasnopresnensky district of Moscow . 

It is planned to invest RUR 107 million in substation "Tkatskaya" reconstruction until the end of the year.