
001.jpgJSC "Moscow United Electric Grid Company" struggles against unfair consumers of electric energy within the framework "Honest kilowatt". The main objective of the action is reducing non-technical losses of the Company in electricity transmission and inform the public about the high risk and responsibility for the unauthorized connection to the grid. 

Over the last six months of the current year, experts of JSC "MOESK" carried out 2,802 raids to detect cases of unauthorized consumption. 

According to "Energouchet", the branch of JSC "MOESK", employees of the Company for the reporting period made 1,504 reports on off-the-meter electricity consumption. Total, in violation of the accounting rules, unfair individuals and businesses consumed 117.2 mn kWh of electricity, which is 60% more than the same period last year. 141.1 mn kWh of unmetered electricity were included in the productive output from January to June of the year 2013. The effect of the actions to identify off-the-meter electricity consumption in the first half of this year amounted to 294% of the planned number. 

1,865 reports on 85.5 mn kWh or RUR 364.2 mn were made on electricity consumption without proper agreement with the power company. Since the beginning of this year, unfair consumers paid to JSC "MOESK” for 38.8 mn kWh in the amount of RUR 158.5 mn. For the first six months of 2012, fans of "free" electricity paid to the company 7% more than the same period last year. Compared with the planned targets, the effect of actions to identify cases of unauthorized electricity consumption was 142% in the first half of this year. 

Active work to detect and prevent any unauthorized connection to the grid and electric energy consumption is carried out by "Energouchet» branch staff in every branch of JSC "MOESK". Due to the systematic work the Company is able to return some of the funds, which were lost as a result of the actions of unfair consumers. 

Southern Moscow Area 

003.jpgOver the last six months of the current year, the branch of JSC "MOESK" Southern Electric Grids included 13.8 million kWh of unmetered electricity in the productive output. This amount of power is enough to supply Podolsk city for 9 days, and residents of Kashira city would use it for one month and a half. 

Since the beginning of 2013 year the electricity supply to the grid of JSC "MOESK" branch - Southern Electric Grids, amounted to more than 6, 561.66 mn kWh, productive output overran 5,902.9 mn kWh. 

During the reporting period, staff of SEG carried out 519 raids to identify unregistered and non-contractual electricity consumption. The result was drawing up of 136 reports for 7 mn kWh of unauthorized electricity consumption and 422 reports for 22 mn kWh (RUR 94.5 mn) on the non-contractual electricity consumption. 

As to the previously compiled reports, unfair consumers of the southern Moscow Area paid under 168 reports of 2.2 mn kWh in the amount of RUR 7.8 mn for the first six months of this year, which is 69% more than last year. 

Northern Moscow Area 

004.jpgPower engineers of Northern branch of JSC "MOESK" for the first half of 2013 year carried out 938 raids to identify unauthorized connections to the power grids and electric energy consumption. In the north Moscow Area, 221 reports for 11.6 mn kWh were made on unauthorized electricity consumption; 282 reports for 6.5 mn kWh, or RUR 23.9 mn were made on non-contractual electricity consumption. 

Unfair consumers in the North Moscow Area paid 3.2 mn kWh from previously compiled 287 reports, which is RUR 8.8 mn. 

Over the past six months the largest report of non-contractual electricity consumption in the Northern Electric Grids was paid by the construction company located in Sergiev Posad district. The company consumed 253.4 thousand kWh of electricity without a contract with the power company. For such a violation the owner had to pay RUR 1 million. In other cases of non-contractual electricity consumption recorded in the Dmitrovsky District of the Moscow Area, violators illegally consumed 525.8 thousand kWh of electricity, for which they paid RUR 1.8 million.

Western Moscow  Area

005.jpgIn the area of responsibility of Western Electric Grids, the Istra District is the most problematical one. Here is the identification of the largest number of unauthorized consumption cases. Particular attention of the raids participants was drawn to a five-stored shop in the village Vysokovo. After thorough inspection power engineers found a cable coming from the construction site to the nearest support. Actually, employees of JSC "MOESK" drew up a report for 440 thousand kWh equal to RUR 1.5 million in respect of the unauthorized electricity consumption.

Sometimes talents of electricity thieves amaze even the most experienced engineers. In the village Rumyantsevo “handymen” illegally laid the entire distribution grid from a 0.4 kV support. Unauthorized supports and mounted insulated wire provided electricity to the trading company for a few months. Warehouse workers lived here with their families. A policeman during the inspection of premises found traces of fires on the walls. Made in violation of all existing safety rules, the unauthorized connection to the power supply repeatedly threatened the life of the house inhabitants. On the fact of non-contractual electricity consumption the owner of the store building was given the report for using 360 thousand kWh of electricity and handed over a receipt for more than one million rubles to pay. 

In the village Greben’ky, the owner of a roadside cafe, store construction materials, plant for the production of paving slabs provided his business with electric power by way of unauthorized connection of the transformer substation. According to documents drawn up, the fan of "free" electricity will be required to pay RUR 2 million. As a result of this "neighborhood" residents of the village often noticed voltage surges in their houses. 

Residents of the village Nadovrazhino informed about possible unauthorized consumption of electricity via the helpline of WEG. The verification of this fact revealed the fact that a semi-ruined house was powered through a cable from the nearest support. According to local people, it was inhabited by visitors from Russia's "near abroad". The owner of the building cannot be determined. And the house itself is a potential source of danger for the residents as anyone could enter it, and the bare wires could be very dangerous. In these circumstances, employees of Western Electric Grids decided to stop power supply for the facility. 

In total, from January to June 2013, Western Electric Grids engineers carried out 753 raids on unauthorized consumption of electrical energy. 206 reports on 3.3 million kWh were made on unauthorized power consumption, 189 reports on 7.5 million kWh, or RUR 24.4 million were made on non-contractual electricity consumption. 

184 reports on 4.3 million kWh in the amount of RUR 13.4 million were paid off out of the reports drawn up earlier on the west of the Moscow Area, which is 24% more than for the same period last year. 

Eastern Moscow Area

002.jpgGreat work on detection of non-metered and non-contractual electricity consumption is carried out by branch of JSC "MOESK" - Eastern Electric Grids. The major cases of non-contractual electricity consumption were found in the Kolomenskoye area near Moscow. Thus, a resident of the village Maloye Karasevo received the report for RUR 390.3 thousand for unauthorized consumption of 155.6 million kWh. In the village Sychevo of the same district, the owner of the house without permission, without registration of the grid connection procedure, connected to grids, consumed 89.8 thousand kWh in the amount of RUR 225.4 thousand. 

All of them paid on the reports in full measure. 

Several major reports were drawn up on the facts of non-metered electricity consumption as well. 

524 raids were carried out in the East of the Moscow Area for 6 months of 2013. Based on their results, 473 reports on 5.2 million kWh on unmetered consumption were made and 355 reports on 2.6 million kWh of non-contractual electricity consumption amounting to RUR 8.1 mn. Given the previously made claims, RUR 7.4 million were recovered from "electricity thieves", which is 34% more than for the same period last year. 

Moscow Cable Grids 

In Moscow Cable Grids since the beginning of the year 464 reports on 85.6 million kWh of non-metered consumption and 617 reports of non-contracted consumption of 46.9 million kWh were made for the amount of RUR 213.2 million. 

627 reports of non-contractual consumption of 26.7 mn kWh were paid off out of the previously compiled reports. That amounted to RUR 121.1 million. 

The staff of Moscow Cable Grids, JSC "MOESK" branch, raided the limited liability company. As a result of the raid it was discovered that the company consumed electrical energy without the agreement with "Mosenergosbit" company. The Company owner was sent the report of non-contractual consumption of 518.9 million kWh, which made RUR 2.4 million. 

Central Electric Grids 

Power engineers of the Central Electric Grids carried out 68 raids for the reporting period to identify unregistered consumption of electrical energy. As a result, 4 reports on non-metered electricity consumption of 4.4 million kWh were drawn up.