
1.jpgWithin the framework of the investment program for 2013, power engineers of Eastern branch of JSC "MOESK” carry out the project of fiber-optic communication line construction between the substations "Egor’evsk" - "Berezhki" - "Dvoinya". 

It should be noted that before the current time, this site was equipped with a copper-wire cable, the operation of which is more time-consuming and expensive. Now it will be used as a backup link. 

The newly built fiber-optic link and multiplexers will not only differentiate the signals transmitted by the various services, but also transmit information simultaneously in several directions. Grid operation center, Moscow Regional Dispatching Office using direct communication channels from the substation can observe the equipment operation at the substation and control the process of its work in real time together with the dispatcher, located in dozens of kilometers away from the substation. Thus, the observability of supply centers, prompt elimination of emergencies and technical failures increases several times, which ultimately has a positive impact on consumers. All this is possible due to the high quality of communication channels, remote control and absence of failures in their work. 

Each of these sub-stations, as a hub, feeds a large number of consumers: Electrical Substation "Berezhki" provides consumers of Egor'evsk city and Egor’evsky district with electricity, ES "Dvoinya" feeds residents of Egor’evsky and Kolomensky districts, and ES "Egor’evsk" on a par with consumers of Egor’evsky district supplies electricity to customers of Orekhovo-Zuevsky and Voskresensky districts of the Moscow Area. Accordingly, in the future fiber-optic line will be extended to the hub substations of Shaturskaya, Kolomenskaya and Noginskaya service areas, gradually connected into a single fiber-optic ring that will significantly improve the quality and reliability of electricity supply for the consumers of the Moscow Area East and South-East.