
IMG_2197.JPGOn July 25, a regular extended meeting of the anti-terrorist commission was held at JSC "Moscow United Electric Grid Company", which was attended by the leaders of the Company "Rossetti", MOESK, as well as representatives of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow and the city administration. 

The meeting discussed issues of strengthening counter-terrorism issues of security and safety of MOESK objects, the results of their categorization and certification with the assigned risk category - low, medium or high. Special attention was paid to implementation of a set of measures to ensure uninterrupted power supply to consumers during the City Day celebrations in Moscow on September 7 and to carry out the Election Day on September 8. 

“Serious work was performed in these directions, as evidenced by tests carried out locally," Valery Kadatskiy, Deputy Director General for Security of JSC "MOESK" said. Regional security officer of the Department of Moscow Vasily Naumenko agreed with him, he noted the high level of organization of the meeting, and expressed confidence in further fruitful cooperation with the energy sector. 

The discussions touched upon the security of power grid facilities with regard to the linear nature of their placement. It was noted that with regard to linear features our legislation is useless, and engineers cannot bring to responsibility third parties who carry out works on the grids without approval. MOESK employees stress that unauthorized actions, which often lead to blackouts, are primarily a threat to human life. This confirms the sad statistics of deaths this year. 

Ruslan Abdullin, Deputy Head of the regional security administration of the Security Department of JSC "Rossetti" in particular noticed the responsible and detailed approach of MOESK staff to security issues. He also stressed that given the irreducible degree of terrorist threats and acts of sabotage at power facilities, it is necessary to continue the intensified work. R. Abdulin informed the participants that the Department coordinated the plan of works on putting together the engineering and technical means to protect classified sites of JSC "MOESK" in accordance with the instruction of the Russian Federation Government and expressed the hope that all will be done promptly and efficiently. He also stressed that the Ministry of Energy of Russia set up a working group to make a legal instrument aimed at ensuring the safety of linear facilities of the fuel and energy complex. The group included the representative of the Security Department of JSC "Rossetti", and now the proposals of subsidiaries and affiliates are summarized, according to the developing projects.