
PICT0100.JPGThe branch of JSC "MOESK" Western Electric Grids (WEG) ahead of schedule implements the program for preparation of distribution grids (0.4-6-10 kV) for the autumn-winter period of 2013-2014.

For today, clearing of trees and undergrowth of almost 112 hectares of routes for overhead lines (OL) of 0.4-10 kV has been carried out, which is 89.5 hectares more than the planned amount. 122.6 km of bare aluminum wire were replaced by modern self-supporting insulated wire of type SSIW-2 and SSIW-3 (the plan - 90.8 km). The percentage of completion of actions for renovation of power line towers (PL) currently amounts to 147%. The comprehensive repairs of 146 facilities have been carried out instead of the planned 41.

Total costs of the repair campaign in 2013 in the western branch of JSC "MOESK" will exceed RUR 578 mn.

According to s director of WEG Victor Ivanov, high-quality preparation of the electric grid complex will allow energy specialists of the enterprise in a timely manner and without any remarks to get a certificate of readiness for winter, and to provide reliable and quality power supply to consumers in the period of low temperatures.