
JSC "Moscow United Electric Grid Company" (MOESK) has launched comprehensive reconstruction of the 110 kV "Electrostal" substation in the east of the Moscow Area.

The project is implemented within the framework of the MOESK’s investment program, as well as the governor's program “Our Moscow Area”. The project will be implemented over the next three years, the total amount of financing will exceed RUR 740 mn.

Currently, energy specialists of the Eastern Electric Grids (EEG) - a branch of the company – hold design and survey work. Approval procedures is carried out between engineering specialists in different fields and main substation subscribers.

The modern infrastructure of the city Electrostal and prospects of its development demand provision of reliable and high quality power supply from energy specialists. The city is the center of metallurgy and heavy engineering of the capital region; nuclear fuel, high-quality steel and chemical products are produced here.

Given the high degree of wear and tear of substation equipment, it was decided to carry out complete renovation of the feeding center. In the course of a set of activities, two transformers which have been in operation for more than 60 years will be replaced at S “Electrostal”: transformer T-2 with the total capacity of 45 MVA and transformer with the total capacity of 32 MVA. Nine 110 kV oil circuit breakers and eleven 35 kV oil circuit breakers are to be replaced. Modern gas-insulated ones will be installed instead of them, which are more reliable and efficient in terms of operation, fire safety and environmental impact.

Besides, the reconstruction of the substation includes construction of a new production building which will room the equipment of low-voltage 6 kV. According to Victor Zautorin, head of the Electrostal group of substations, all works will be carried out without electricity cut off for consumers, which is very important for such a large industrial center as Electrostal. To do this, the project provides for the installation of additional equipment that will ensure uninterrupted power supply during the work implementation.

Victor Zautorin also stressed that in the current year, dewatering works had been completed in the substation territory in order to solve the problem of seasonal flooding of power facilities: a network of channels with special perforated drainage pipes had been created. They enable collection of flood waters and storm precipitations in the wells and guide them into storm drains.

"Electrostal" 110 kV substation is one of the three supply centers of the large industrial city Elecrtostal with the population of more than 150 th. people. Built before the war, the substation today supplies electricity to consumers regularly, including the city "Electric Grid", Plant "Electrostal", Machine-Building Plant, Electrostal Heavy Machinery Plant (EZTM).