
The branch of JSC "MOESK" - Moscow Cable Grids, is directly involved in the implementation of social projects of the Moscow Government. The Capital Construction Department plays a special part in solving the tasks that arise during the implementation of ambitious plans.

Builders of MCG in a short time solve the tasks of designing, coordination and construction of power grid facilities in the capital. Let us mention some of the tasks performed and being attended. At the beginning of the year, in the period from 15.12.2012 through 15.01.2013, pursuant to the Minutes of the meeting in the Moscow Government "On issues of comprehensive improvement of the central part of the city" dd. 20.11.2012, the energy specialists of MCG timely executed the works of electricity supply to the trade fair in five pedestrian areas: Stoleshnikov Lane - Petrovka Street, Kuznetsky Most – Kamergersky Lane, Tver Passageway - Stoleshnikov Lane, Kuznetsky Most and Arbat Street.

Since the beginning of the year, the works of electricity supply to five preschools have been carried out, which are located at: 1st Voykovskiy, 12A; 3rd Radiatorskaya Street, 7; 5th Voykovskiy, 10A; Schelkovskoe Highway, estate 88; Locomotivny , 3a, and one school in Bolotnikovskaya Street, estate 36A. Besides, reconstruction of the transformer board (TB) was implemented for electricity supply to the school in Basovskaya Street 7.

The works for power supply of the non-residential premises located at: Marshal Biryuzova Street, 37, 39 were completed before the agreed date. This is done to take SBDI (State Budget-Dependant Institution) “Municipal Consultative Diagnostic Center for Specific Immunization” from the areas designated for the Moscow City Duma.

As was already noted, the experts of MCG provided power for 45 information boards and 145 parking machines in the paid parking zones within the Boulevard Ring.

Currently, in accordance with Moscow Government Order #649-PP dd. 15.11.2012, at the requests of the Moscow Overhaul Department regarding implementation of the urban program for arrangement of plane transport hubs, MCG completes work on connection of 108 trade zones of the transport interchange points throughout the city.

In addition, Moscow Cable Grids are working to lay more than 16,000 meters of cable lines for underground stations which are in the process of construction, including Salar’evo, Rumyantsevo, Lermontovskaya, Zhulebino, Koshino, Ferganskaya, Okskaya, with the expiration date in August 2013.

All this is performed by a friendly team of MCG builders of 67 people. The management of the branch congratulates energy builders and the company on the upcoming professional holiday - Day of Constructor.