
JSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” (constitutes the group of companies of JSC “Russian Grids”) continues the active implementation of the customer-oriented policy. In order to increase trust of the consumers, take into account their opinion when taking decisions touching upon an optimal functioning and development of the electric grid complex, the Board of Consumers of JSC “MOESK” has been formed.

Task to take into account the customers’ opinions when taking respective decisions, was set by the Russian Federation President V.V. Putin in June of 2013 in the course of Saint-Petersburg International Economic Forum. By order of the head of the state the Boards of the consumers will be created under the Federal Tariff Service of Russia, regional energy commissions, in JSC “Russian Grids” and in its subsidiary dependent entities.

Boards of the consumers will become the expert collegial bodies, representing the interests of all the customer groups, public unions and associations of the entrepreneurial community as regards the issues of the development strategy implementation of the electric grid complex of the Russian Federation. In particular, the Board of Consumers of JSC “MOESK” has been constituted with: the representatives of the Department of the fuel and energy economy of Moscow; those of the Energy Department of Moscow Region; OJSC “Mosenergosbyt”; the Public Chamber of RF; public organizations “Opora Rossii”, “Delovaya Rossiya”, “Moscow Union of gardeners”; the representatives of the non-commercial partnership of the territorial grid organizations.

Opinion of the Board will be taken into account when deciding the issues of the accessibility increase of the energy infrastructure, efficiency of the operating and investment activities of the company, the customer-oriented approach and social responsibility, information openness and creation of the public control institute.

Board of the consumers of JSC “MOESK” will form the expert findings on the respective trends of the activities, elaborate proposals and recommendations, including those as regards the regulatory legal base improvement. Also its functions will be the initiatives submission of JSC “MOESK” or JSC “Russian Grids” to consideration to the public unions and associations of the entrepreneurial community.

Earlier the Company treated as well with big responsibility the customers’ opinion, in particular, that of the business community when elaborating the strategic development issues. MOESK has concluded a cooperation agreement with the All-Russian public organization “Delovaya Rossiya”, All-Russian public organization of the small and medium enterprise “Opora Rossii”, is an active member of the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry. It makes it possible for the company to take into account the interests of the customers when implementing the complex policy of the customer-oriented approach, transparency, increase of the services quality, which promotes to the business climate improvement of the capital city and of Moscow region.