
Within the framework of the complex program of JSC “MOESK”, the power engineers of Eastern Electric Grids are carrying out the works ahead of the schedules to bring the forest corridors of 35-220 kV overhead lines (OL) to the normal standing. Towards the beginning of the second decade of august the fulfillment amounted to 101.7%, whereas the plan was 148.5 ha, the works have been carried out at 35 OL with the total area of 151 ha.

The arrangements held are especially important for the energy facilities of the branch, as those exposed mostly to impacts of the abnormal natural phenomena – fires, “icy” rain and others owing to the location of the big forestlands in the East of Moscow Region.

Currently the works related with the enlargement of the forest corridors of 35-220 kV OL are being carried out by contractor’s organizations at 23 lines. 116 people and 17 units of the special-purpose machinery are involved in it. Including 100 kV lines “Noginsk – Dugovaya”, “Fosforitnaya – Peski”, “Cherusti – Novo-Mizinovo”. Mulcher Primetech – 300 and skidder DT-55 are involved for the more efficient and quick clearance of the PTL’s forest corridors, which work every day with a high productivity. The skidder stockpiles tree stems, the mulcher then processes the remainder of cutting to chips. Further on the wood material remains at the disposal of the local forestry managements.

Closer attention is paid to crossings of the overhead lines across the roads. There are 45 such crossings in the service territory of the Eastern Electric Grids. Currently the works for utilization, stock keeping and ploughing have been carried out on them. The entire complex of the works has been also accomplished successfully at 110 kV OL “Likino – Eksiton”.

The following works are on the completion stage – for bringing of the forest corridors to the normal standing at ten lines more of 35-110 kV, including “Makeevo – Zhitovo”, “Bakunino – Suvorovo”, “Krutyshi – Setovka”.

All the arrangements are being fulfilled according to the program of JSC “MOESK”, which stipulates till the year end the bringing of 133 power transmission lines of the Company’s Eastern branch to the normal standing in the territory of over 404 ha.

By the words of head of the PTL service of the Eastern branch Alexey Skvortsov, these types of the work make it possible for the power engineers to provide the power supply quality and reliability of consumers.

According to the data of JSC “MOESK”, just for the last three years the clearance and enlargement of the forest corridors and routes along PTL has made it possible to reduce 5 times the quantity of the emergency outages on the grids due to trees falling down.