
Moscow United Electric Grid Company has got the charging plant patent for the electric transport. An expertise carried out by the Federal Intellectual Property Service (Rospatent), has established that the model of electro-fueling which had been represented by JSC “MOESK” is referred to the items of the patent rights, the documents of the application conform to the established requirements of the RF Civil Code.

Charging plant has been created within the framework of project implementation “MOESK-EV”. From the structural point of view it represents a metal housing, in the internal cavity whereof there are the executory, managing, receive/transmit modules connected with each other and a LED module of external indication of the station’s status. Their cooperated functioning is capable of providing a simple and convenient charging of the electrical vehicles and of giving the comprehensive information to the users concerning the course of the process.

Basic difference of the developed electrical charging is its “smart” filing. The installed equipment is referred to the class Smart Gread Ready and makes the station to be ready to the full extent for the integration into the intellectual energy system. A net of the charging plants, constructed on basis of such equipment, will be capable of not only performing the functions to charge the electrical vehicles, but as well will help the power engineers to support the optimal work regime of the energy system in terms of the mass introduction of the electrical transport.

By the words of Deputy Director for the information technologies, strategy and business processes of JSC “MOESK” Denis Tsypulev, the charging plant complies with the international standard Mode 3, which makes it convenient for use by any types of the electrical vehicles, produced today in the world. In the long view MOESK and its partners plan to elaborate a ultrafast charging plant for the public electric transport (electric buses).

Let us emphasize that it’s the second patent already, got the current year by MOESK. Earlier the company became a patent holder for the Software package for the process management by charging plants, which is capable of providing the centralized smart management by the net of the electro-fueling plants.

Reference in respect of project “MOESK-EV”:
Project “MOESK-EV” is primarily of the research nature and elaborated with due account for the world development tendencies of the motor-car industry and grid smart infrastructure. Project goal – is to provide an efficient operation of the grid infrastructure in terms of the mass introduction of the electrical transport.

Project objectives:
  • creation and testing of the first in Russia net of the charging plants for electric vehicles;
  • experimental data receipt about the functioning of the charging plants and different type electrical vehicles with due account for the native climatic and road conditions, grid infrastructure peculiarities;
  • software package elaboration for management by the grid of the charging plants;
  • cooperation model formation and mutual settlements between all the participants of the charging process: owners of the stations, owners of the electrical vehicles, electric grid and energy selling companies;
  • concept elaboration of the electrical vehicles use as a composite element of the smart grids;
  • concept elaboration of the charging infrastructure development for the electrical transport in Russia;
  • participation in preparation of the draft standards and requirements to the technical regulations of the public and private charging plants functioning.
Within the framework of the project of JSC “MOESK” and its partners, the first in Russia net of the different type charging plants has been created and functions. The charging plants are installed primarily in the territory of MOES’s own facilities, as well as those of the dealer centers of company ROLF-Import. A part of the charging plants, including the quick charging plants have been opened by the Company for a wide access.

All the plants are united into the unified information grid with the help of the special software package, which makes it possible to manage by the electro-fueling stations from the unified center. The consumers get an access to the fueling stations with the help of electronic RFID-cards.

Within the framework of the project the Company has transferred a part of own car fleet to the autonomous electric transport.