
On the 4th of September of this year an opening of the renovated Customer Service Center (CSC) of JSC “MOESK” took place in Kolomna. The honorable guests took part in the ceremony: minister of the Moscow Region electric-power industry Mikhail Kruchinin, head of city district Kolomna Valeriy Shuvalov, and acting head of the administration of Kolomna municipal district Andrey Vaulin.

While greeting the guests, Director General of JSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” Pyotr Sinyutin emphasized, that Kolomna CSC opened after the large-scale reconstruction is one of the largest CSCs in Moscow Region. It’s meant for a face-to-face servicing of applicants for the technological connection of the facilities to the electric grids of MOESK.

Pyotr Sinyutin specified also that the number of the technological connection applications to the electric grids of MOESK is growing permanently. Without violating the tradition to cut a red ribbon, which symbolizes opening of any new facility, the head of MOESK invited the guests to make an excursion to the renovated Customer Service Center. Its area, as compared to that of the previous CSC, has increased four times and amounts to 120 sq.m. The premise is equipped with the take-a-number-system; here monitors, TV and payment terminal are installed. An entrance lobby is equipped with entrance slip roads for disabled people. CSC is located at a walking distance from the main automobile and railroad transport junctions, which is of paramount importance for the customer convenience from the neighboring regions.

By the words of Director of the Eastern branch of MOESK Andrey Vologin, Kolomna CSC will have the main load for the customer work of five nearest administrative districts of the South-Eastern Moscow Region: Kolomna, Lukhovitsy, Ozery, Zaraysk and Voskresenk districts, the population whereof exceeds 480 ths. people.

Currently 33 service centers are functioning in JSC “MOESK”, among them there are four – in Moscow and 29 – in Moscow Region. Renovation making of 15 service offices more of the electric grid branches in Moscow Region is planned for the second half year of 2013.

The reality is that each new CSC increases the number of the addresses for the grid company’s services. The main issues the consumers are interested in, are consultations as regards connection to the electric grids, power supply reliability and quality, work with the accounting devices.

Creation of the new CSCs, reconstruction of the existing ones, as well as development of an absentee form of servicing, will make it possible to make the technological connection process to the electric grids of JSC “MOESK” to be maximally convenient for the Moscow Region inhabitants.

For reference only:

Interactive servicing has been introduced for the customers of JSC “MOESK”: sms-notifications, an electronic calculator with the help whereof a consumer may calculate on his/her own a technological connection cost of a facility to the electric grids of JSC “MOESK” since before an application filing. In the middle of July of 2013 a customer of MOESK may file an application for TC in an electronic form. The first on-line applicants got the technological connection contracts during less than in a month after the new service introduction, including at the day of opening of the renewed Kolomna CSC.

In 2012 on the whole JSC “MOESK” got over 46.5 ths. technological connection applications for the total capacity of about 7.3 ths. megawatt, 36 ths. contracts were concluded with the total capacity of 2.4 ths. megawatt.

Thereby just in the first half year of the current year the number of the applications achieved almost 40 ths. for the connected capacity of over 3.66 ths. megawatt. The number of the concluded contracts has amounted to over 28 ths. with the total capacity of over 1.07 ths. megawatt, among them – over 25 ths. contracts have been concluded with the privileged customer group.