
For 8 months of year 2013 the Customer Service Centers (CSC) of a branch of JSC “MOESK” – Western Electric Grids got 16,205 applications for technological connection (TC), the agreement and confirmation of the capacity fixed earlier. In comparison with the same period of year 2012 (3,503 applications) the number of the applications has increased by almost 4.5 times.

Number of the concluded TC contracts has increased by more than 2.5 times: from January to September of 2012 their number was 2,569. In 2013 the Western Electric Grids concluded 7,354 contracts for the total capacity of 165 MVA.

By the words of Evgeny Golubchenko, the Deputy Director for the services development of the branch, the growth of the TC applications number is related with the efficiency increase of the customer work.

“Since the end of 2012 all the CSC of the Western Electric Grids, and those of the Company on the whole, started accepting the technological connection applications to the grids of JSC “MOESK” on a daily basis, except for days off. The branch has increased the quantity of the “windows” for the successful customer work; acceptance and issue of documents are made in these windows. The take-a-number-system makes it possible to carry out the work with the applicants in a calm and positive atmosphere. So, thanks to the new work schedule of the customer offices work, the quantity of technological connection applications from the consumers of the Western Moscow Region has increased by many times”.

Let us recall that one may get all the needed information about the terms, rules of the technological connection to the electric grids of JSC “MOESK”, as well as file an application for TC in an electronic form, on the webpage: www.moesk.ru