
Students of the 5th year of Moscow Power Engineering Institute, taught with a specialization in “Relay protection and automatic equipment” are doing the practical training on basis of the Central group of the substations of the Central Electric Grids – a branch of JSC “MOESK”.

Having got a briefing, 8 young men and women started mastering the profession of protection engineer at substations “Elokhovskaya” and “Cherkizovo” under the leadership of the teachers – heads of the practical training - Victor Tartachnik and Victor Matantsev, who had worked in the service of the Relay protection and automatic equipment for many tens of years.

“Rather good theoretical training of the students is worth specifying, - tells Director of the Central Electric Grids (CEG) Vsevolod Ivanov. – The boys and girls have come to us with the already assigned 3d safety group, and currently they show a high level of knowledge and a wish to learn the elected profession”.

CEG afford always willingly an opportunity for the would-be power engineers to get the practical skills. Thanks to a close cooperation of the specialists in the personnel training of the staffing support division and development of the personnel of CEG Natal’ya Gulidova and Oleg Pronin with the education institutions of the capital city, this year the following students have already done the practical training in the Central Grids: the students of the college of the multi-level vocational education under the “Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation”, getting profession “Electric power plants, grids and systems”; Ivanovo State Power Engineering University (profession “Electric power plants”). A student of “TSP RGI MEI – Festo” is doing currently the technological and pre-graduation practice.

“The most experienced specialists of the branch share their knowledge with the would-be power engineers, - emphasized Vsevolod Ivanov. – Therefore such important component of the professionalism of the personnel is provided as succession. Indeed a certain percentage of the students will come obligatorily to us tomorrow as young qualified specialists”.