
30.JPGBefore the end of 2013, the specialists of JSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” (MOESK) will perform the works of replacing nearly 1,180 km of high-voltage overhead grids of 6-10 kV by modern self-supporting insulated wire (SSIW).

The activities are implemented under the integrated program of MOESK intended for 2011-2014. The list of its main points includes the expansion of corridors and glades to avoid possible falling of trees upon power lines and laying of wire of brand SSIW-3. The bulk of the work is carried out in the Moscow Area, in forest areas and forest belts. In total, the program provides for the work of clearing nearly 3,615 hectares of forest and replacement of 4,500 km of bare wire of 6-10 kV by SSIW-3 for five years. This is comparable with 2,500 football fields and distance from Arkhangelsk to the United Arab Emirates.

“Moscow faces the task of 100% implementation of high voltage grids in self-supporting insulated wires. The works are nearing completion, but the amount of work here is comparatively small, the region faces the main amount of works. The total cost of the performance of all activities under the comprehensive program related with SSIW-3 in our company for five years will exceed RUR 3 bn,” the deputy technical director for distribution grids of JSC “MOESK” Andrew Miridonov said.

Let us note that all of the wires used by Moscow energy specialists are of domestic production, including those manufactured at the factories of foreign companies that localized their production in Russia.

As to the cost, self-supporting insulated wires are more expensive than traditional ones by nearby a third. Their payback period, according to experts’ calculations, is 5-7 years, while significant reduction in the number of failures is ensured, and power outages due to wire breakage nears zero.

Works of laying SSIW-3 were carried out in the past as well, but they were not so large-scale. The reason for the fivefold increase - from 100 km in 2010 to 525 km in 2011 - was the “ice” rain, which hit the capital region in December 2010. At that time, only 17.7 % of all lines were implemented in SSIW. But it was these consumers that did not experience the effects of the weather. Based on the results of 2012, thanks to the work carried out to expand the forest glades and replacement of wires, the number of outages at high voltage grids of MOESK since 2009 has decreased by 52 %, breakages of grids because of trees falling reduced five times.

Experts of MOESK modernize and lay self-supporting insulated wires in the grids of different voltage classes. The wire of class SSIW-2 is used for 0.4 kV PL. In 2013, the works will be performed at more than 480 km of power lines.

The works performed will prevent power outages for MOESK consumers due to falling of branches and trees on 6-10 kV high-voltage wires and distribution grids, significantly improve quality of power supply. Works are carried out during the year, the main activities will be completed before the start of the heating season.

For reference:

The Moscow Area and New Moscow has 26,900 km of overhead lines of 6-10 kV in total. Out of these, about one fifth to be replaced by SSIW in MOESK grids are located in the forests.