
All branches of “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” (MOESK), in accordance with the approved standards, have created the stock of equipment and materials for holding the rescue and recovery works in the winter period. According to the technical unit of MOESK, the index of implementation on the centralized reserve of low-voltage and high-voltage equipment in the energy company to date is 100%.

123426.jpgOperative and repair-an-maintenance personnel are fully equipped with the necessary equipment, lifting tackle, fuel, oil and lubricants. Traveling teams are also provided with mobile communication: in addition to cell phones, MOESK applies its own radio communication on dedicated frequencies (using fixed, automobile and portable stations); satellite phones are given as well for the rescue and recovery operations.

Moscow energy specialists are provided with special equipment and back-up power supply sources, including mobile power plants (MPP) of different capacities. The car stock of MOESK has more than 3,500 vehicles, including 1,734 units of special equipment (brigade vehicles, hydraulic lifts, crane-drilling machines, snow and swamp-going vehicles, amphibious vehicles, etc.). Logistics of accommodation of MPP is designed so as to ensure the most rapid delivery to the site of the repair work and connection of consumers to electricity. Let us note that based on the results of the autumn and winter period of 2012-2013, the time of emergencies elimination at the facilities of MOESK in Moscow on the average for the year decreased by 8% to 47 minutes (a high index even under European standards).

Supply of emergency reserve and readiness of the staff for emergency situations, along with the implementation of the annual actions of the repair and investment programs is one of the most important components of the preparation for the winter period of maximum loads. The reserve guarantees the possibility of rapid response in the event of process failures and accidents at electric grid facilities, allowing to optimize the timing of electricity supply recovery.