
DSC_9907.JPGOn September 25, in the framework of the Day of Entrepreneur, which had been already tested in JSC “MOESK”, the second meeting was held among the management and specialists of the branches of the company “Moscow Cable Grids” (MCG) and “Energouchet” with representatives of the business community in the capital region.

At the past meeting, the customers’ questions were answered by Alexey Makarovsky, Deputy Director for Development and Services Sale of MCG; Dmitri Kalinin, Head of the Divisvion for Contractual Work on Grid Connections; Yulia Shirokova, Deputy Director for Client Services Department; Yury Shchuchkin, chief of the administration of the branch “Energouchet” and other officials of the company.

During individual interviews with entrepreneurs, specific issues were addressed, which were related with grid connection, capacity increase, optimization of contractual processes, improvement of quality and reliability of power supply.

“When getting prepared for the second Day of Entrepreneur, MCG made conclusions based on the experience of the first communication with business representatives,” Alexey Makarovsky said. “We try not to give empty promises, they are not wanted, and we offer specific ways out of the situation. This time, we have invited our colleagues from the branch “Energouchet” which allowed us to answer participants’ questions closely to the topic which are associated with the cost of electricity.”

The next Day of Entrepreneur of JSC “MOESK” will be held on October 30.

Let us remind that the decision to organize such events was made in August of this year, following the meeting of the management of the Fuel and Energy Economy Department of the City of Moscow, JSC “MOESK” and the Moscow city division of “OPORA of Russia” with the representatives of the business community.